We have listed some of our favourite, most recommended sources for support, advice and tips here.
Depression and Anxiety
Reasons to Stay Alive: Excellent book by Matt Haig, it is easy to read, inspiring and honest.
The Happiness Trap: Excellent book by Russ Harris. Based on ACT therapy, its an easy read and there is an illustrated version too for anyone who struggles with reading or is short of time.
The Blurt Foundation: Lovely website predominantly about depression but so helpful for other things, or when life is just a bit much. We all need a boost at times and this lovely lot will send you weekly emails that do just that! You can also buy “buddy boxes” which are full of treats and surprised to help you look after yourself.
Get Out of your Mind and into Your Life: Book By Stephen Hayes, who created ACT therapy.
The ‘Overcoming’ book series is endorsed by a number of influential body’s (for example the Royal College of Psychiatrists) and has books on many different mental health difficulties.
MindShift App: free app for anxiety, giving hints, tips, phrases to say to yourself as well as exercises.
Sleep and Relaxation Resources
Calm: a free app for relaxation
RelaxMelodies: App with lots of different sounds to help with relaxing and sleep
Sleep well: Guided meditation and relaxation to help you go off to sleep
Sleepio: Free App with psychoeducation, diaries and tips to help assess and tackle sleep problems. Also has support via email.
Our Blog! We have written a blog about what mindfulness is and how to practice it including a few recordings to get you started.
Headspace: App with a free trial. Great app with guided mindfulness practices and a bell to remind you each day
Insight Timer: App with lots of free mindfulness exercises Website that has lots of useful information and link especially around MBSR
Buddhify: App that’s £4.99 but has hundreds of mindfulness exercises.
Youtube series with 20 or so tracks created by professionals in the NHS that we are allowed to share. One of our Directors, Dr Anna Redding is on one of the tracks too!Full Catastrophe Living, Revised Edition: How to cope with stress, pain and illness using mindfulness meditation (Jon Kabat-Zinn): A big book on mindfulness coming for a MBSR viewpoint.Understanding and Coping with Difficult emotions
Inside Out: Movie, Yep! We do totally recommend this movie. It’s a great, light hearted way to understand emotions and their functions.
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook, by McKay: A great skills workbook with lots of accessible practices on distress tolerance, regulating and understanding emotions and Mindfulness.
Connecting with others
Local Mind services a supportive resource for people who care for others
The Compassionate Foundation has a great resources section on their website.
The Compassionate Mind: A Seminal book in this area by Prof Paul Gilbert.
The Self-Care Project: Great book by Jayne Hardy. This has practical tips, explanations and exercises to help you make time for you.
The Compassionate Mind Approach to Recovering from Trauma: Debora Lee. A fantastic book to approach trauma experiences from a compassionate position.